"Roswell" is essentially done. The art and colors are finalized, and Kel should be knocking out letters very soon. "Cold Trail" is also at the finish line, with Bill wrapping up colors soon and those pages going off to be lettered after that. The first two WORLD TOUR scripts are complete, and Karl should be knocking out art on that shortly.
So I find myself trying to figure out my next project.
1. I'm re-researching the SILVER SPURS graphic novel.
2. I've got the next few WORLD TOUR stories laid out.
3. I've started adapting "Roswell" into a full length feature film script.
4. I'm re-working my script for the OMEGA mini.
5. I'm digging deep to put together the pitch for my semi-secret ongoing series, which I still need to find an artist for. I have an awesome logo the Kep! designed for me already, so score one for the home team.
With all these things lined up, it should seem like I've got enough on my plate to hold me over for a few months. I find my attention wandering though, looking over sequentials and trying to find an artist that I want to work with on something other than what I need to be doing.
I'm thinking about setting up a regular work schedule where I force myself to work on a specific project for a set period of time, but that just seems counter-creative to me for some reason. It doesn't help that the day job has been especially draining of late. Luckily I have a week of vacation time coming up where I can take three or four days and write full time. I'm hoping that works out the kinks with my motivation.
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